Gandhi-Mandela-Freire Fellowship Programme
Initiating Self and Eco-Socio-Spiritual Transformation.
The Grounding of Peace, Reconciliation, Civic Engagement, Sustainability, Social Communication, Creative Regeneration and Engaged Spirituality in Compassion . Fostering Dialogical and Inclusive Community, Common Good and Eco-Socio-Spiritual Futures in Public and Private Spaces.
Jointly initiated by the Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, India and the Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations, Kochi, India. The Indian Social Institute holds a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The fellowship has been further developed, nurtured and now based at the LES Multiversity, Loyola Extension Services, a registered charity as well as the social lab and incubation centre of Loyola College of Social Sciences (LCSS Autonomous), Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), India. A (growing) number of like-minded institutions have offered moral support for this effort. (Note: This website belongs to the LESMultiversity , Loyola Extension Services/LES Multiversity, Loyola College of Social Sciences (A), Thiruvananthapuram, India.)

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Testimonials/Work In Progress
"Congratulations. All the best wishes in this important fellowship and hope that the message will spread through the world as quickly as possible so that we can stem the tide of violence against the environment, nature and humanity."
Ms. Ela Gandhi (Grand-Daughter of MK Gandhi), South Africa

"I have been an active observer and participant of the Gandhi-Mandela-Freire Fellowship Programme on Conscience and Compassion over the 9 months it was delivered. I have keenly observed the engaging conversations, struggles and the courage of the fellows. We certainly need this surge of courage to deeply know ourselves, to be honest with one another, to handle and arrive at truth dialogically and to nurture unconditional trust among people. It is time to engage with the regenerative insights of the GMF programme by consciously structuring the educational aspects of our organizations/institutions around people who work in them. I know this programme has advanced and contributed to developing critical eco-humanistic self-awareness, opened individuals to greater self-esteem and gratitude and served to promote human dignity. For me, such advancement adds immense value to understanding sejahtera -- a culturally complex Malay term centred around ‘well-being’. It further adds value to the practice of sejahtera followership and leadership.Such an orientation will not only critically dialogue with the advancements made in technology but also actively eco-humanise it. In brief, the tremendous power of being compassionate humans begins by fearlessly and honestly looking at Self. And the value of GMF programme is that it boldly starts there."
Prof. Dr. Haji Zulkifly Baharom
The Gusi Peace Prize Laureate
CEO, Sejahtera Leadership Initiative,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (A Part of the GMF Moral Community)
(Esteemed Professor Nadarajah Manickam)
"Congratulations and thank you for the outstanding manner you led the incredible GMFship on its maiden voyage and landed it safely and successfully at the destined shore with a highly fulfilled set of sailors guided by a deeply committed team of mentors.
Listening to the transformative experiences of the GMF Fellows the other day, I was most impressed by the insights that they have gained through these nine or so months they have been on the coveted course.
It was joy catching up with your final words having missed the first session owing to engagements that I couldn't avoid.
Altogether, the GMF process has been a most compelling and fruitful programme that you initiated and brought to such happy fruition.
With deep respects and prayers as you look ahead."
Prof. TS Powdyel, Former Minister of Education.
Royal Government of Bhutan

(Dear Dr. Nat,)
"I was indeed amazed about the transformation you brought into the Fellows life. The depth, the passion, the commitment they could manifest for the cause of compassion was very unique and a powerful testimony on the effectiveness of 'root education'. Thank you dear Dr Nat for your selfless invaluable contribution to LES and to the humanity."
Fr. Ranjit George SJ, Director, Multiversity Platform,
Loyola Extension Services/LES Multiversity,
Loyola College of Social Sciences,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India